Jez Blackmore BSc MA

An experienced front end developer based in Manchester.

An experienced front end developer adept in JavaScript, JS libraries and writing clean maintainable code. Continuously learning and developing inline with current trends and best practices. Most recently I completed a full-time 13-week course to further develop my backend knowledge with Node/Express.

HTML CSS JavaScript React
Interval Timer App

Current Project (Staging)

A full-stack project (currently in development) built using Node/Express, React and Postgresql.

  • Chat system (Websockets)
  • Postcode Look-up (Geocoding)
  • Mapping (Leaflet)
  • Cookie authentication
  • Password encryption
  • Stripe payments
  • Email sending (Nodemailer)

React Native App

An interval timer for timing exercise routines, with customisable colours and presets. Downloadable via the Google Play Store

This project was built using React Native and Expo, the benefits being you don't need to write native android or iOS code separately.

Interval Timer App


Below are three examples where I've used my HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React (JTask) knowledge to build front-end demos of an e-commerce platform, video streaming platform and a task manager app.


Task manager (Demo)

Built using React library, JSX and CSS.

This demo uses React state and props to allow users to add, resolve and close tasks. You can also add new users and assign tasks to them directly (Front-end demo only, so saved in local storage).


Ecommerce website (Demo)

Built using vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

Imports a JSON file, to simulate a backend fetch request. It creates an array of new product objects that can be added to the shopping cart, favourites and also filtered.

Front end demo only, so no payment system etc.


Video streaming site (Demo)

Built using vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

This demo uses the 3rd party YouTube public API.

Local storage is used to store trending videos and previous searches.